Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Portfolio and Business Card Ideas!

roseannetanportfolio.blogspot.com <<Portfolio page here!
switched the address from my art blog. I still haven't upload stuff yet, but still follow if you'd like!
Here's the current business card idea:

I'm still thinking if I should keep the back simple or not... 

was told to make the info larger, and changed my ever-so-confusing email :P
It's not as saturated as it shows here. Let me know what you think! thanks!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Creature concept, quick paint!

Here's a quick-paint (about an hour+) of a creature concept I sketched out yesterday. wanted to try a different painting style in Photoshop and I have to say I like how it turned out. :D

Can also be viewed here.
Head close up 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mermaids and Jellyfishes III: little progress

I haven't been progressing much due to procrastination. (I'm sorry!) But since it's been long since my last update, I figured I'd at least post what little stuff I've done.

Tail body and one fin done. Figured I'd finish the background first
before working on the other ones.
Starting to work on jellyfishes. Also added some warmth to her skin.

Right now most of the stuff I need to do requires transparency. I think  mask layering can help me with that. If you have any suggestions, let me know at the comments!